ZSJ: Women’s Football – Goddess!

女足——女神! 2022年2月6日亚洲杯决赛中,中国女足以3-2逆转韩国女足获得冠军!举国上下都沸腾了!为中国女足骄傲自豪,此刻中华儿女扬眉吐气,足下生辉,普天同庆! 2022 Feb 6 AFC Women’s Asian Cup Final, Chinese National Football team managed to make a spectacular comeback and won the trophy with a score of 3-2! The entire country is ecstatic! Feeling immense pride for our Women’s football team, at this moment every Chinese is elated and proud, on cloud nine, rejoicing … Continue reading ZSJ: Women’s Football – Goddess!