李天时: An Open Letter to ZSJ



Mr 李天时 Li Tian Shi, 51 yrs old, very active in speaking out against CAPA, same batch of muted wb accounts as our dear Mr 李学政 Li Xue Zheng.

Perhaps he was also very emotional after reading ZSJ’s brave and heartfelt post yesterday, because this Mr Li posted an open letter on his own public weixin blog this afternoon.

Mr Li’s Feb 17 post:
( Its a long post, I will only translate parts that I feel is relevant or what ZZH fans would be interested in )
Disclaimer : I may get meanings, context wrong, pls forgive any shortcomings in translation.

My eyes flooded with tears seeing how Mr Li shared the lyrics ZSJ had penned

Part 1

生命中有许多突如其来,生命中有许多不期而遇。( 不期而遇 ! This kind gent has been reading ZSJ’s blog, remembering every word! )
Life has many things happening out of the blue, life also has many chance encounters.

[ Quick summary: Mr Li has taken a hiatus from his profession – a teacher, in hopes to see the world. He wants to hear his inner voice, to re-evaluate what is true ‘education’. The trip did not go to plan, and due to health issues caused by stress of relocating and responsibilities to his kids, he suffered a relapse of a long dormant illness and had to recuperate in his hometown, watching days go by. ]


The ideal is from Point A to Point B, Point C is an ending borne from despair.


The future is bright, the path is winding.


Reading makes a person feel tranquil.



Doing another round of ‘educating’, maybe the time is not yet ripe.


In that case, I will do another round of ‘mass media’, hands-on teaching to a bunch of Gen Z, putting my experience of 20 years in mass communication and 10 years of high school, towards the ever changing internet, to patiently build a ‘ Digital Media Research Institute ‘.


From then on, I started to seriously work on Douyin “院长请回答” “Dean, pls answer”, guiding a bunch of young folks, embarking on Micro-entrepreneurship.

[……. I think he said something about taking 13 months to set up some tech business ]


I could not have thought at that time, one month later, a chance encounter with you begun another change in me, since I started to pay attention to the infamous frame-up case.

Part 2


Mr Li lists a different genre of dramas that he watches, so he says “ I’m sorry, before this it was truly difficult to have intersected with your world.”


As for why I had paid close attention back then, I was only focused on one thing:
In modern society, for someone to ‘digitally disappear’ is an extremely serious consequence.
Was there irrefutable evidence? Was there independant mass media investigations? Was there an assessment done by the relevant authorities? Were there appeals channels available?


After observing and discussion continuously for 50 days, my perception is clear and firm:


  1. To use 3 year old travel photos outside perimeters to generate stories, making mountains out of mole hills, ‘politicizing’ personal life, assaulting a peaceful united situation in the country.


2. Black public relations is a menace to society, the organization and coordination of the focused attack is more complicated than we can imagine, the illicit productions of the water armies have left enough evil traces of their crimes, and should be investigated thoroughly and punished severely.


Will the right to speak now be held in the hands of lawless Capital who falsifies public opinion?


Once this becomes a norm, any trade and person can be ‘grappled’ from any angle at any time, harming one another may become a habit.


Will we hope to live in apprehensive insecurity?


3. We must be vigilant against lawless capital colluding with powerful positions, covertly creating profit from monopoly. Alleged violation of laws and disciplines, who will monitor this?


4. Rumors flying all over, going so far to the point of ludicrousy, yet gets green-lit all the way; clarification work is in turn very difficult, anyone who speaks up will be branded as this and that. Is it really so difficult to achieve a ‘clean’ internet?


Nowhere to appeal, no way to appeal, no information to know what is a reasonable and legal appeal. Why?


All are patriotic living beings, why become this way?


Listen attentively, inspect, then come to a conclusion, that is all we ask for.


There is a principle, that should be more important than profit.


A teacher, an ‘old-press’ professional, only hope for a clear path from an observer, to a follower, to a concerned party.


Who can guide me?

Part 3


Thank you unexpected, thank you for chance encounters, to let me grow.


A difficult journey is like training, doing good is as difficult as getting to greater heights.


I know every comforting word, are light as a feather compared to your pain and suffering.


How can I fully empathize? I never went through the hardship that you have experienced, I don’t have your long, endless nights and incomparable strength, faith and persistence.


But, ” When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in.” Still I wish you well, when you are at a loss, tell yourself firmly, you still remember the dreams that you had.
** Quote from 村上春树 / Haruki Murakami


Looking back, dressed in old clothes, but immeasurably bright.


Afterall, “The suffering has no right to be sad”. I hope that I can be like you, if there are some passions that cannot be replaced , then some strength will have to spring up from desperation.
( I think he quoted 尼采 Nietzsche – which is weird for me the right quote seems to be 受苦的人,没有悲观的权利The suffering does not have a right to be pessimistic )


You must eat well, have a variety, heal your youth with delicious foods; you have to go outdoors, look at how high the mountains are, how blue the skies are, see how vast the seas are, the flowing rivers and the amazing colors. Sing, dance, cry out, run to your heart’s content, let the sweat flow fiercely; You must sleep well, a good sleep will give you an open mind.


A true gentlemen benefits others and himself, a man of integrity has many friends and enemies. ( Another quote- used during Reporter’s Day )


Its all not that big a deal, a human life span of a hundred years, gazing upon everything as dust, smile lightly, and take it as life’s unavoidable bumps and scrapes.


Xu Beihong said, ” Might that can level mountains, sadness as deep as the mountains and the seas…Silence like thunder???
( quote from 《垓下歌》Song of Gaixia ???)


Chen Yinke said, read history to know the present, ….some clever idiom I can’t translate


My young friend, look towards the sunlight; don’t forget a kind face. I promise, when spring comes and flowers bloom, I will make the trip over mountains and rivers to see you:


Taste your food, restful sleep, always have a smile on your lips.

Ft image credit @Zac Durant from Unsplash

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