ZZH : Primordial Theater


野的兽 人的心
yedeshou rendexin
The wild beast, the human heart

化好妆 于面具之下
huahaozhuang yu mianju zhixia
All made up beneath the mask

haitong yi kusheng qimu
Curtains rise with children’s cries

这出戏 也名为你我他
zhechuxi yemingwei niwota
This play is also named ‘you, me and them’

pangbai zhujie mingyun
Narration annotates destinies

juese zhuizhu huanying
Characters chases illusions

爱是荒诞的剧情 看不清
aishi huangdan de juqing kanbuqing
Love is an absurd plot that can’t be understood

Awu~ 他月圆时变成狼 丑陋的伤疤 却握著玫瑰花
awu~~ tayueyuanshi bianchenglang choulou de shangba quewozhe meiguihua
awu~ He turns into a wolf during the full moon with ugly scars but he holds onto a rose

Awu~ 她吟唱在月光下
awu~~ tayinchang zaiyueguang xia
awu~ She sings bewitchingly under the moonlight

远行的水手 却再不能回家
yuanxing de shuishou quezaibuneng huijia
The sailors travelled far but shall never go home

呼与吸 名与姓
huyuxi mingyuxing
With every breath , with every name

点亮这 剧场的光
dianliangzhe juchangdeguang
Light up this theater

laowengyi weixiaoxiemu
The old man smiles for the curtain call

这出戏 也名为来与往
zhechuxi yemingwei laiyuwang
This play is also named ‘Come and Go’

guanta shenmeyouxi
Don’t care what game it is

wobuguo xiangjinxing
I just want to have fun

迷恋上 每一章 身不由己
milianshang meiyizhang shenbuyouji
To indulge in every chapter in spite of myself

Awu~ 它问造物的人啊 机械的心脏 可拥有灵魂吗?
awu~~ tawen caowu deren a jixie dexinzang keyongyou linghun ma?
awu~ it asks the people who create things, is there soul in a mechanical heart?

awu~~ tawen lieren duanzheqiang
小鹿很贪玩 你可有见过它?
xiaolu hentanwan nikeyou jianguota?
awu~ it asks the hunter with a gun, have you seen the playful fawn?

剧场名为洪荒 多荒谬就多辉煌
juchang mingwei honghuang duo huangmiu jiuduo huihuang
Primordial is the name of this Theater, the more preposterous, the more splendid

你我粉墨登场 如尘埃空中飞扬
niwo fenmo dengchang ruchenai kongzhong feiyang
You and I come on the stage, like *dust in the wind

suoyou taishang deren a
演*大梦一场 演不活著归返
yandameng yichang yanbuhuozheguifan
Everyone on the stage, acting a big dream, acting with everything you got

suoyou taixiaderen a
请拍手叫好 致你和我和他
qingpaishou jiaohao zhi nihewoheta
Awu~ Everyone below the stage, please clap and cheer, for you, me and them

My humble notes which may not be the intended meaning of the phrases but hopefully can be a point of interest for your own exploration and enjoyment of this song :

I translated 他 as 他人 – I know it seems a little silly to get hung up on pronouns but I wondered if you, me, them/others is more fitting in this context

The imagery of the romantic werewolf and the heartless siren was intriguing – a gentle love and a destructive love from ‘monsters’

它 : who is this ‘it’? Is it the personification of stories?
Humans who create machines but they are not gods?
Humans with power but will they spare the innocent or create tragedy?

dust in the wind : “This Kansas song uses this as a metaphor for life in general, suggesting that no matter what happens, we will all be swept away just like that cloud of dust.”

*大梦一场 : this phrase usually means life is but a dream
不活著归返: I don’t really understand this phrase – the literal meaning is, not returning alive – what does it mean to act like one is not returning alive? No holds barred? A ruthless fight to the finish?

Can you tell?

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