ZSJ : Traffic Light





I am a traffic light on the sidewalk.

Green light indicates Walk. When the countdown begins, I will flash to prompt passersby to increase their pace. A red light indicates danger and to Stop. Occasionally there will be pedestrians or vehicles that don’t obey the traffic rules and forcibly pass, I will cast an angry look after them, even though they don’t know it, or perhaps they will not care. Those who obey the traffic rules, I will extend my gratitude and goodwill.

I’m not the same as the traffic lights on up high, hehe! I don’t have a yellow light.




There are several Chinese Parasol ( Wutong ) trees across from me, although we can’t communicate, but I can regard them as my little friends.

Because of them, I can know about the changes of the climate and four seasons.

In Spring, the tree trunk will grow out new branches, and in Summer, light yellow-green flowers will bloom, and then fluffy catkins will bloom, causing passersby to sneeze uncontrollably. In Autumn, the leaves slowly wither and turn yellow, the occasional gust of wind will blow the leaves before me. In Winter, we keep watch for each other against the bitter cold, and look forward to the return of Spring.



I understand from the crowds of people who came and went, that behind me there is a Bank, and there are two stone lions outside its door. People coming out of the bank always talk about something called “money”. I don’t quite understand it, but it seems like this is quite important to people. The funniest thing is the two stone lions, are always arguing about who is the “front facade” of the Bank.

Do you want to ask me if I have good friends? Of course, the street lamp above my head is my best buddy. Whenever night falls, he wakes up and begins talking with me all night long.




All of a sudden, the streets became deserted, even the cars that whizzed past me are no longer seen.

Everything became so quiet, and the noise around me disappeared.

Where have the people gone? I do not know. I am still the same, I walk when the light is green, I still flash and do the countdown. I stand straight when the light is red. Everything has changed, but I am still at the same intersection, waiting for the time to pass, waiting for the return of the crowds.


I don’t know that in the building opposite, high above there is someone watching me through a window.




He is a traffic light, every day I will sit by the bedroom window in deep thought, stare blanking for a while, watching the street where he stands unnoticed.

On this street, there will be many pedestrians and cars, moving back and forth daily, this traffic light seems to be standing still there forever.




He is always there, telling people when to walk, when to stop.

Sometimes I will look at him, look at the flowers and trees on the roof opposite. I’ll know if today is windy, a light breeze or has no wind. On rainy days, there will be many raindrops falling on his face, he will not care and will continue to do his job silently. On a fine day, the sunlight will hit on his body. Now and then, a cat will lean against him to enjoy the sun, or nap for a spell at his feet, rubbing its fur on his legs before leaving. I could feel that he was warm in that moment.

I like how independent and at ease he is.




He looks over at the tree opposite, adding on its rings year after year. He sees everything on a sunny or rainy day, no one will dry the rain for him, and no one will care if the exhaust gas of the cars will choke him.

There is a bank behind him, and there are two stone lions outside the bank. They look like they are together, but perhaps they have never talked and could not even have looked at each other.

Perhaps he and the street light are bosom friends, perhaps not.



No one is here today, no roar of cars can be heard.

The energy of life has disappeared, and he has no idea what had happened to the city. The city has stopped, time seemed to stand still. I looked at him, and felt like crying. Looking at a traffic light and wanted to cry. Why, you ask? I seem to feel his loneliness. This lonely existence of people, in the end we are all just independent individual beings. Just like him, people come and go, he just remains there. Keeping watch at his intersection, keeping an eye on his zebra-crossing, he can’t keep anyone from going, and he can’t go along with anyone.





In life, we will always have to face many traffic lights, one after another. Sometimes you can walk, sometimes you have to wait, sometimes you have to hurry your steps… Sometimes a group of people waits with you, sometimes you wait alone. Just like the scenery outside your window, you are together, and not together.

Loneliness. Desolation. Helplessness.

Despondent. Holding fast. Waiting.

In such situations, it is probably quite normal to feel like this.




I look at him, believing he will hear my thoughts.

He still has not stopped his own footsteps, he repeats his daily tasks day after day. How many can be so serious and responsible like him?

He does not know what has happened. Just as how he will never know there is such a person who have been paying attention to him.



I know you are reading this essay.

I don’t know what you will think of.


Admin posted for fans who like the artwork

There are so many theories about who/what the traffic light represents…ZSJ has certainly given us much food for thought.

Some see it as ZZH and his observers…or perhaps even ZZH and himself, looking from another perspective…Some thinks its a tribute to Mr Li Xue Zheng ( whose social media accounts have been deleted ). Some wonder if its representing the law, which carries on going, without fail.

Did he think about this story, while flipping through the artist’s book, creating an interesting association of objects and life? Or was he just telling us a story from his actual observations from his own window? Is he affected by the isolation of the lockdown?

Using inanimate objects and expressive writing, ZZH personified something so ordinary yet so important – a traffic light in the street. Without this functioning traffic light, accidents might occur. He used 他 he, instead of 它 it, which is usually for animals or objects.

Cutting his story between the observed and the observer, he adds a touch of melancholy to the two entities, which is together in the same place, yet stands far apart due to an inability to communicate. The traffic light will not know its observer, and the watcher, won’t be able to share his thoughts nor admiration for the traffic light.

At the end, he talked directly to us, the readers.. or is this essay addressed to another?

Let us be grateful that we are a little luckier than the traffic light and ‘his’ observer – we can at least communicate our thoughts to ZZH, and him to us.

For our 张哲瀚 希望早日立案 🙏

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