200 Days


YES!!! That’s right!
Our ZZH served up an airport pic that took WB and Twitter by storm, like THE KING that he has always been! It seems that paparazzi got wind of his flight from Beijing to Shanghai, and were waiting.


His eyes looked tired, but seeing how he put in effort in his dressing and confidently came out in public, every single fan of his felt absolutely overjoyed at this little glimpse of him.

February had been a relatively quiet month during the CNY holidays.
Then there was the Winter Olympics which came to a close on the 20th.
During this entire cold month, our dear ZSJ worked really hard to write 8 posts and shared his warmth with us with reviews of books and movies, song, poems, and his guitar playing.

FEB 10 NRTA announces a series of planned revamps under《“十四五”

NRTA clearly states they are against astronomical pay to stars, yin-yang contracts, tax evasion, fandom culture, unnecessary drama plot writing that lengthens a drama length for purpose of racking up productions costs

We will boycott all who violates the law or falls below moral standards, oppose ‘star power’ discussion, and put an end to ‘sissy’ or abnormal aesthetics etc

Certain blue V media – Sina Financial News – attempted to add in ZZH into their coverage of this news by naming him as a celebrity which had no hope of a comeback – when he was not mentioned by name in the original NRTA article. The article was later deleted – which is at least something.

Whether ZZH’s defamation case will ever see the light of day for him to clear his name, I hope fans who insist on calling ZZH in ‘affectionate’ feminine terms such as 老婆,公主,just know you may be actually directly supporting any ‘unacknowledged’ and therefore ‘unappealable’ punishment where he is being ‘made an example of’. Are you being wilfully self-indulgent at his expense?

NRTA’s schemes are certainly grand, but when compared to the realities of how things are ongoing today, especially when certain starlets and celebrities are obviously still ‘immune’ to any punishment, one can only wonder when these will ever actually impact to the level where it matters most.


Who is still operating with racks of physical mobile phones? One click setups – ‘one-man’ water army units are now becoming the norm, at very low costs. All articles that appear with the same copy under different accounts at the same time, can all be executed most ‘efficiently’.
Can such ‘black PR’ really be eradicated or will they just become the next evolved cog in a lucrative cottage industry?

( It’s already Mar 3 at the point of my writing – has there been enough revelations to convince people by now? )

① The Teashop belongs to ZZH’s mum ( as proven multiple times from public listings records ), the relationship between mother and son is very good, teashop account ( a private account only shared to Haizhes who visit the shop in person ) has reposted ZSJ’s posts ( If you feel that you cannot verify if its real or not doesn’t matter ), BDY did not issue any clarification on the widely perceived identity of blogger ZSJ – which they would have done first thing should it have been an imposter up to no good.

② Mr Li Xue Zheng is muted but not completely offline, he did not do any clarification against ZSJ on behalf of ZZH by means of any channel, even when he passed messages or voice recordings often to urge for fandom peace ( no less than 3 times during Feb )

③ Mr Li Tian Shi reads, and praises ZSJ blog ( he even wrote him an open letter of well wishes )

④ Mr Army Lawyer reposted Mr Li Tian Shi’s post and also recommended books that are beneficial to help sufferers of depression

⑤The ZSJ public blog reviews books, movies in great detail, with original content discussion ( not copied from other reviews ) . His essays demonstrates positive energy, patriotism- if it was created by antis, why bother giving this persona so many excellent traits?

Master Su had clarified that the blog does not belong to him, ( and also given his opinion regarding the identity of ZSJ from his position as an industry ‘insider’ ) even though his post came out from a misunderstanding which has since been peacefully cleared by that night.

⑦ Those who said the author of the ZSJ account is his relatives, if so what is the goal of this relative 😅 And your Brother Zhang is kind, but not a fool, and won’t become anyone’s puppet, thank you!


FEB 21 China’s Top Prosecution announced the 34th batch of cases 指导性案例
1) Protection with ‘zero blind spot’
2) Proactive Protection
3) Maintaining ‘dynamic’ Protection

The hashtags used by netizens concerned in ZZH’s case

FEB 21 中国政法大学教授,洪范所王涌老师对张哲瀚/中演协事件分析 was posted on the 中国舆情法治网 – His essay was unfortunately removed soon after.

FEB 22 – Word of Honor 1st anniversary – ZSJ 卡点 with his 人生海海 post at 2.22PM

FEB 22《光明日报》深度报道“用法律手段遏制网暴言论”

FEB 23 The weibo account for the TV Drama 巡回检查组 Roving Inspection Team ( Mr Li Xue Zheng is one of the executive Producers ) has seemed to have taken an active interest in the sharing of various law news

We have new blue Vs appearing to support the discussion, but these accounts are far and few.


FEB 27 Singapore’s 早报 Zaobao published an editorial about ZZH.

The tweet linking to the article had claimed that ZZH had a weibo hot search that week – which did not happen. By Monday morning, Lianhe Zaobao released a clarification tweet which stated that their previous tweet wording was erroneous and also ‘does not match the article content.’

They unknowingly/knowingly lit a fuse that ignited the wrath of ZZH’s fans not only from China, SEA but literally on a global scale. Did this particular press really believe that ZZH’s fans have all left him to the wolves? But if they did, why bother writing about someone no one would care about in the first place? Who did they hope to influence with their article? Was there a hot search planned beforehand leading up to this article?

I am very curious regarding their motivation to release this editorial. Not only is the article rather superficial – it attempted to look like a serious piece by covering China’s Feb 21 news regarding the Prosecution of precedent cases, Singapore’s doxxing law, South Korea’s ‘Sulli’s Law‘, but since the article opens and closes with Zhang Zhe Han, it appears to me that he is the main focus of the piece and not merely used as an example in passing. This is reinforced by the fact that ZZH’s photo was used in the tweet promoting this article. Ever since he has filed the police report, most of China’s own media outlets have ceased to directly refer to ZZH by name in their articles when they mention ‘disgraced’ or ‘immoral’ celebrities, it is surprising that Singapore’s press would cover him in such a way.

It would appear that this reporter did not carry out in-depth research nor follow up on ZZH’s case since last August, but based on my reading comprehension skills, along with many others, that it was intended to use him as an example of someone who might have “deservedly lost his right to privacy or dignity because he has touched a country’s political ‘baseline'”.

The article opened by stating that last August, ZZH had been ‘cancelled’ for photos at the Yasukuni Shrine – even though its had already been long clarified that he was only outside on the public Sakura Corridor, which had been recommended by MCT and various news outlets in the same year of 2018.

There is no mention of the recent serious spate of discussion by various China media outlets regarding ‘fake sentiment’ and public opinion manipulation – which was a crucial deciding factor in ZZH’s ‘swift judgement’ by CAPA.

This article has also taken the overly simplistic approach, to separate the Chinese netizens who have taken an interest in ZZH’s case into only two groups – for and against. Every voice that has spoken up for ZZH’s case to be heard had been classified as ‘fans‘, creating unfair bias and completely disregarding the existence of other concerned netizens such as high profile law practitioners, school lecturers, C-ent media professionals, etc. The opposing voices of a few ‘black PR’ or ‘trolls’ has been made to look much stronger by being referred to as the ‘non-fans’ : neutral netizens ‘网民’.

The most shocking part of this article is the headline, which is “社死” vs 该死 – By pitting these two types of ‘death’ -‘social death’ and ‘deserving of death’, how can this News Outlet even remotely suggest that it is acceptable for someone to ‘deserve death’ for crossing certain political lines of a country? Particularly the article closing with “社死和该死之间的界限该如何划分,由谁划分?” Are they being ironic or obtuse?

Perhaps this Zaobao has decided it is not their place to condemn directly what is happening in another country, and chose to present this chilling statement which is still most inappropriate.
The right thing to have done, is to question if “社死” “social death” was too harsh a punishment for crossing political sentiments. I don’t know if the reporter thought it was a witty quip to make such a comparison of the two terms, but it is truly appalling at the lack of gravitas exhibited in this article.

On the other hand, is this how China’s ‘online society’ is being perceived to ‘international outsiders’ now? We cannot deny that it looks as if their own ‘society’ had widely condoned what has been meted out as punishment by CAPA to ZZH, and almost everyone in the Chinese entertainment industry had chosen to hold their own tongue for their own self-interests. The few China media outlets who had interviewed ZZH directly were not permitted to release their articles. Any discussion on what has happened to him has been heavily suppressed and restricted. We see the same weibo account names repeatedly pursuing this discussion. So maybe that is the harsh reality, there is just not as many concerned netizens as we might hope.

While our first inclination is to anger I have to wonder, was this article paid for by certain parties and its intentions were not honorable? Or is the truth more somber, that all the previous coordinated ‘Clarification’ efforts led by Mr Li XZ since the end of November never did “出圈” ( get out beyond the boundaries of weibo’s algorithms )?

I DO NOT advocate that fans should email or harass this reporter. That would be cyberbullying and while we can demonstrate as a global fandom that we will not allow ZZH to be misrepresented without protest to the News Outlet itself, we should not be seen attacking an individual either.


FEB 28 – THE LETTER OF APPEAL FROM ZHANG MAMA [ 我不敢老去 I don’t dare to grow old ]

I waited at least 48 hours to allow BDY a chance to put out a clarification should this letter turn out to be from an imposter account. However no such notice was put up, and considering the earnest wording, the raw feelings, the details only privy to mother and son, are all laid out to bare, this letter is most likely legit.

There might be very distressing mentions regarding the topic of suicide in the letter, so please be aware if you seek it out to read in detail. However, I feel its not done in a way to incite sympathy, but just a very raw, matter-of-fact discussion to illustrate just how stark their circumstances were back then. The strong open bond between this mother and son is really admirable. No Noble Idiocy here – Drama fans will know what I mean.

In her letter, Zhang mama goes into detail about their current circumstances, how they are still waiting to be investigated, how ZZH is picking up new skills like playing the guitar in preparation for future opportunities. She expresses her heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has extended to them a helping hand, to pull them out of the abyss.

Since there already exists many really good translations for her letter, here are some after-thoughts from weibo. Their Mandarin comprehension are much better than mine, so lets get a better insight into what she has written.

Reader Impressions

One of the rare ‘industry people’, this young Director Zhang Junyang has been following ZZH’s case closely and he reads ZSJ as well. After reading her letter, he voices out his support that “我们不应该就此认命” – we should not take life’s obstacles lying down.

@隶变 ( full post here )


I have read this again and again, the only thing I did not see is hopelessness! What I did see, was hope that only the strong can find in despair.



As for **”Cui ke”, forgive me but I really did not see it. Is there a need to urge?
No need to urge, those with heart will still have heart
Urging those without any intention will still have none

**I think its a term coined to describe urging spending

Writer Hu Liu Ming wrote her impression
# An Actor’s Story# I also did not see any ‘hopelessness’! Looking back on and remembering all that has happened, there is sadness and joy, just more sorrowful because it had truly been very sad! But sadness and hopelessness is not the same synonym. Why are some people mourning?

Maybe it is because I am not bound by their patriotism to their country and Party, so I do not share the same unwavering optimism many of these readers seem to possess. I mourn the pain these mother and son had to go through, at the hands of unscrupulous forces. I mourn the pain fans and even ‘passer-bys’ suffered after seeing injustice ‘winning’ over the innocent. I also mourn for the lost time and opportunities that ZZH have missed that may not come by again.
With that being said, there is not much point to wallow in despondency, and we all still have to pick up our own small tasks, and keep moving forward the best we can.

Including the title, I have counted the appearance of 7 ‘我不敢老去’ in her essay – how long and endless their waiting must be.. she has no illusions that this ordeal is going to be a short one. They have summoned up incredible amount of courage to face a long drawn-out battle.

Her later paragraphs which start with this phrase:

我不敢老去, 在对生与死的考量之后,只有活着才有希望。
我不敢老去, 儿子还在深渊中挣扎。
我不敢老去, 儿子处于失业状态半年多了。
我不敢老去, 我在等待法制的健全,网络暴力的立法,网络实名制的建立。。。
我不敢老去, 我要看到祖国越来越美好。
我不敢老去, 我要用余生等待儿子洗清污名还他清白的这一天。

I would say there are definite clarification ‘candy-breakers’ in Zhang mama’s letter – which might be why certain groups are reluctant to acknowledge it.

When it all went down in August last year, there had been no one else to fall back upon. The two of them had been in alot of pain and anguish from the sudden wave of events.

She confirms that Zhang Zhe Han is unable to show his face or voice online currently. So for people who are expecting him to verify his identity to them – it looks like he is not going to use international social media while his case is being considered.

She clearly states that she is the one who is supporting both of them now – and how ZZH suffers from guilt for having become a burden to her in her old age. There is no one else who is supporting either of them financially. There are living expenses, lesson fees, as well as massive compensation amounts from his cancelled endorsements “巨额赔款”.

She makes direct references to what ZSJ has been writing in his blog :

I saw a mother’s unyielding, unwavering love and pride for her son.
I saw the will and strength which she has passed to Zhang Zhe Han.

All of us fans who want to continue on, will be needing all of these as well, because we have to be ready to be in it for the long haul now.

Once ZZH had an interviewer ask him what is the maximum weight that he can princess-carry : our sweet boy never tried to impress anyone by outing his dear mum’s weight 😂

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